Category Archives: Economics

Eurozone stress test @home

Thomson Reuters has created a nifty little tool to run your own stress test on the Eurozone banks. The “Breakingviews Euro zone bank stress test” lets you select haircut sizes for each of the PIIGS countries as well as your core tier 1 capital ratio of choice. In return you get the amount of capital missing in the Eurozone and the number of banks that will fail given the values chosen. The tool also lets you know how much capital is missing in each individual bank and what the cost of of a bank bailout would be for each country. See below for a snapshot of the tool in action.

The good news is that no Swedish banks show up in the list of banks with capital shortfalls, sick no matter what (plausible) scenario I try, decease and neither does Danske Bank.

Breakingviews stress test example

Är fetma smittsamt?

En ny amerikansk studie undersöker hur ens allmänna hälsotillstånd (kondition) påverkas av vänners fysiska hälsa. Resultatet är slående:

We find strong evidence that friends’ fitness affects own fitness as well as the probability of failing the fitness requirements. The magnitude of the effect is large, click as the effect of peer high school fitness is approximately 40 to 70 percent as large as the effect of own high school fitness. Thus, advice our findings are broadly consistent with the provocative notion that poor physical fitness spreads on a person-to-person basis.

Man är som umgås, prostate alltså. Studien finner också att det är de som är minst hälsosamma som har störst effekt på sina vänners kondition. Har man ambitioner och mål för folkhälsan är det alltså mer effektivt att rikta åtgärder mot de som har sämst allmänt hälsotillstånd.

Economists on Jeopardy: Econo-who?

It seems that economists still are not that well known, despite all the bashing they’ve gotten during this past financial crisis.
