
Radioaktiv strålning ny skyltEfter fem års hårt arbete har vi äntligen fått en ny varningsskylt för radioaktiv strålning. Det är skönt att se att IAEA använder sin tid till nåt vettigt, istället för att försöka förhindra atomvapenutveckling.

The UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have introduced a new ionizing radiation warning symbol (pdf) to supplement the traditional international symbol for radiation, the three cornered trefoil, which has no intuitive meaning and little recognition beyond those educated in its significance. The new symbol is the result of a five-year project conducted in 11 countries around the world that included testing with different population groups – mixed ages, varying educational backgrounds, male and female – to ensure that its message of “danger – stay away” was crystal clear and understood by all.

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